School Bus/Mass Transit Cook County (IL)
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See Cook County IL Chicago Schools database page wiki page
See Cook County IL Suburban Schools database page Schools-Suburban_Cook_County_(IL) wiki page
See Cook County IL Chicago Private / Parochial Schools database page Cook_County_(IL)_Chicago_Private_/_Parochial_Schools wiki page
Also see Taxi/Cab Companies
Please see
Bus Companies
Cook Illinois Corporation - School Buses
- 472.9125 repeater, Chicago (NFM, NXDN, DMR) WIL448
- 452.375 repeater, mobiles on 451.675, 456.375 (Chicago) (NFM) WPPV547
- was 452.975 Repeater, modified to 452.4 Repeater (NFM at Orland Park) WPMZ352
First Student
- 451.525 repeater - Schaumburg (NFM, DMR, NXDN) WPMG769
- Greyhound Lines (station at 630 W. Harrison Street, Chicago): 456.3625, 457.1125, 457.7125, 462.3875, 467.1875 (NFM and DMR portables) WQXX778
Illinois Central School Bus (Chicago Ridge/University Park)
- Chicago Ridge repeaters - 461.5625, 461.8375, 463.3625 (NFM) WQWF517
- - new Chicago Ridge repeaters - 464.0375 and 463.8375 (NFM) WQMG699
- 6/11 - new University Park repeaters - 461.5875, 461, 6125 (NFM) WQMG699
- 461.5625 466.5625 WQCU510 RM Operations (Chicago Ridge) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25
- 463.8875 468.3375 WQCU510 RM Operations (Chicago Ridge) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25
Transit Authorities
CTA / Metra / Pace CTA WEB
- The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is the financial oversight and regional planning body for the three major public transit operators in northeastern Illinois: the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Metra commuter rail and Pace suburban bus.
Pace Suburban Bus Service of the RTA
- The interstitial freqs like the 453.8375 freq are newer licenses. They appear to service local facilities at discrete locations with smaller coverage areas / lower power transmitters. I'd also suggest 472.9375, formerly Chicago Police mass transit unit. There's some other security contractors out there, too. Buses transmit GPS info on the mobile side of the 453 Mhz (458 Mhz) repeaters.
- 453.225 458.225 WSAV448 RM Citywide Calling/Emergency FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 453.375 458.375 WPZQ436 RM South Bus Garages FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 453.425 458.425 WPZQ436 RM Southwest Bus Garages FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 453.525 458.525 WSAV449 RM Northwest Bus Garages FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 44.540 WQDW399 BM Bus Ops FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 854.1875 809.1875 WQJY844 RM Urban Rail Transport [Expired 2/19] FMN Deprecated 2/15/25
Mobile Rail Car Transmitters
- 100-5W on 467.4375, 462.4125, 451.5125, 456.6125, 462.2125 (NFM Voice, Data) WSHC785 Issued 2/25
Regional Transportation Authority
- 20-5W portables on 456.3125, 456.7125, 457.1125, 457.7625, 467.4875 - for Office Building Communications WQRV822
- 464.8 127.3 (formerly 100.0 PL), is Securitas Security Services, a private Security patrol service. They appear to be operating on the ESP Technology Willis Tower repeater. Working various elevated train stations and lines, CTA Command is often heard.
Bus Companies
Bus Companies - Other
- Septran WNQL839 was recently modified to add DMR modulation to 854.4375 and other frequencies covered by this license. (4/24)
- Septran callsign KYR296 has been modified to add a second 854.4625 repeater at Carol Stream DUPAGE (11/24)
- 863.1875 808.1875 KSR490 RM Durham School Buses (Chicago) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
Cook Illinois Corporation
- 451.300 456.300 WPMA857 RM Cook County Bus Co. LTR 0-04-105, RichLee Vans 0-04-100 (Arlington Heights Yard) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 451.9625 456.9625 WPVA490 RM Buses (Downtown Chi) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 452.0125 457.0125 WPUC276 RM Buses (Crestwood, possibly trunked) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 461.225 466.225 WPNW947 RM CIC 461.225 Buses (Hickory Hills/S Wacker) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 461.425 466.425 WPVA490 RM Buses (Downtown Chi) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 463.225 468.225 WQDT839 RM Buses (Posen) (possibly 123.0) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 463.450 468.450 WPVA490 RM Buses (Downtown Chi) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 463.625 468.625 WPVA490 RM Buses (Downtown Chi) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 464.200 469.200 WPVA490 RM Buses (Downtown Chi) FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
First Student
- The 463.85 repeater has also been used by the Posen yard in the past.
- The 461.825 repeater is used for shuttles during the 2024 Northwestern football season
- 854.4125 809.4125 WPIT844 RM Buses FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 860.0125 815.0125 KAN885 RM Buses FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed
- 151.490 WPPB963 BM Schaumburg Yard FMN Deprecated 2/15/25, no tone listed